4% lidocaine liquid, to be used during for broken / intact skin.

4% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine + 0.05% epinephrine, liquid, gets right in broken skin.

lidocaine + tetracaine, for the eyes

4% lidocaine + 0.04% epinephrine, gel to be used after etching for broken skin

3% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine, a soft paste to be used prior to procedure for intact skin

5% lidocaine ointment for before, during, and after

5% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine. Strongest lip predeadener!

5% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine, ph7 safe for the eyes

5% lidocaine + petroleum
The use of anesthetics is a choice you can make. However, it does allow you less worry about your client’s comfort level and can let you concentrate on your artistry. Topical anesthetics have to be handled very seriously. As a technician you have a limit to the level of strength you can use, but that does not mean you can use them casually. The improper use can cause harm, especially in the eye. They not only dull the sensation of the application, but can deaden the nerve endings and allow minimal discomfort to the client, and this appears to expedite the procedure process.
There is a technique to bring the topical anesthetics deeper into the skin. It is called an occlusion. This is covering the skin and anesthetic with a medical tape that adheres tightly, called tegaderm, or cellophane wrap material. The L.I.N.D.A. Technique, etching method, is taught in my private workshops. It works to deaden the skin before you touch it with your machine. I will list the anesthetics as used for each procedure.
DOTC (can be occluded) - 3% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine, a soft paste to be used prior to procedure for intact skin.
LIQUICAINE - 4% lidocaine liquid, to be used during for broken / intact skin.
TAG - 4% lidocaine + 0.04% epinephrine, gel to be used after etching for broken skin.
NUMSTICK / NUMPOT - 5% lidocaine ointment for before, during, and after.
DURATION ULTRA - 4% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine + 0.05% epinephrine, liquid, gets right in broken skin.
0.05% epinephrine predeadener.
TAG - 4% lidocaine + 0.04% epinephrine, gel to be used after etching for broken skin.
LIQUICAINE - 4% lidocaine liquid, to be used during for broken / intact skin.
DURATION ULTRA - 4% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine + 0.05% epinephrine, liquid, gets right in broken skin.
NUMSTICK / NUMPOT - 5% lidocaine ointment for before, during, and after.
FOR YOUR EYES ONLY - 4% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine, ph7 safe for the eyes.
LIP-X - 5% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine for broken / intact skin.
TAG - 4% lidocaine + 0.04% epinephrine, gel to be used after etching for broken skin.
DURATION ULTRA - 4% lidocaine + 2% tetracaine + 0.05% epinephrine, liquid, gets right in broken skin.
NUMSTICK / NUMPOT - 5% lidocaine ointment for before, during, and after.